Ocean animals and sea creatures are a great theme and topic to base learning around for kids. This creative movement and dance activity is a perfect compliment to learning about

Not able to get to a zoo? Not a problem, this fun and creative movement lesson on Youtube will get your kids not only engaging with zoo animals but also

Snap like a crocodile, swing like an orangutan and prowl like a lion as we move like wild animals in this jungle-themed creative dance lesson specially made for kids and
Hi everyone,I was sitting at the computer the other day with my son Jordan who is two and a half and I was rebranding one of my dance tutorials from Dance Parent 101 in the Learn Math through Dance Shapes Series to Move Dance Learn. He looked at the...
Hi everyone,Thanks so much for signing up to the Move Dance Learn newsletter. I have had my kids at home for much of this week with colds and sniffly noses meaning they are not allowed in school until 'all symptoms have cleared'. I mean seriously, do...