"I don't like it." Do your staff or customers dislike your tech?

Aug 30, 2023 3:36 pm

The warning signs are subtle at first. A comment here, a comment there. "It is harder to do than it should be." Or "It took me a long time to do that." Or maybe, "Could I try to do this in another way instead?".

Your organization has formal or informal processes to get things done: fulfill orders, allow people to place orders, get information, etc. You have constructed (formally or informally) technology solutions to make those processes "easier." That may be anything from a fancy website, a spreadsheet, or custom enterprise resource planning (ERP).

That's why when you hear the sounds of inefficiency — frustration — from customers, clients, or partners it sometimes goes over your head. How it works makes sense to you; doesn't it make sense to them? Technology users (humans) are complicated like that.

Where does that leave us? What steps can you take to ensure your systems are working for the majority of your internal and external users?

Listen. Feedback. Adapt. Do it again. Yeah, that's right. Technology projects are never done. Whether it be bugs, changes in user tastes, or new technology options... most systems you put in place for your business will always change and need to be improved based on user feedback.

My questions to you — reply and let me know what you are thinking:

  • What are you doing to improve your systems and processes continually?
  • What technology "problems" do you have that exemplify these issues in your business?
  • What is your next step to improve your tech?


