Can you count on your spouse?
Sep 01, 2022 10:01 am
Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth or a foot out of joint. (Proverbs 25:19)
This message really isn't about if you can count on your spouse. I altered the subject to ensure you'd open it. 😇
What I really want to know is if your spouse can count on you?
I mean, really, can you be counted on when it's convenient and inconvenient?
If you're like me, and you're typically punctual and follow-through, you're thinking, "No sweat, my spouse can count on me."
But, let's go a bit deeper.
- Can your spouse count on you to be available emotionally?
- Can your spouse count on you to be honest?
- Can your spouse count on you to talk / be quiet when it's appropriate?
- Can your spouse count on you to pray with him/her?
- Can your spouse count on you to spend money wisely?
- Can your spouse count on you to assist with the children?
- Can your spouse count on you to be faithful?
- Can your spouse count on you to ____?
I could keep going on and on, but I think you get my drift.
Whatever it is that you have committed to your spouse to do, can he/she count on you?
If not, as far as your spouse is concerned, it's like chewing with a bad tooth or walking on a hurt foot: troublesome.
Be "count-onnable" to make your marriage work.
ps - there may be something that you said you have not said you won't do that your spouse is counting on you to do. Ask him/her if that's the case in any area.