What if your mate never changes?
Oct 08, 2024 10:30 am
Hi, ,
What if your spouse never stops doing that thing that isn't ...
☐ unethical
☐ immoral
☐ sinful
☐ nor unbiblical
BUT, that thing ...
☐ annoys you
☐ drives you crazy
☐ and keeps happening despite your pleas that it stop
What will you do?
There are lots of things you could do, and some of them would be damaging to your marriage. What I suggest, based on my own experience of being annoyed by something that is likely not going to change, is following Ephesians 4:2:
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
When we get over ourselves and our supposed "right" to not be annoyed or irritated by what our spouse does, and instead become gentle and patient, we'll begin growing in love and tolerance toward our mate.
If your mate is predictably not going to change, do yourself and marriage a favor: You change.