Summary | Be Transformed

Apr 16, 2023 11:48 pm

When Paul wrote the book of Romans, the relationship between Jewish and Gentile Christians was a significant issue in the church. Paul warned the Gentile believers not to be boastful about their acceptance by Christ because it was the Jews' rejection that opened the door to God's mercy.

In light of this mercy, Paul urged the believers to offer themselves as living sacrifices to God, dedicated to His service and pleasing to Him. This was the true worship that they should offer. True worship is more than clapping or raising one's hands. True worship is the act of serving God. As believers, we are called to offer ourselves willingly and ongoingly as a form of ministry to God.

Paul warned the Romans not to conform to the world and adopt its values, attitudes, and behaviors. Instead, they, like us, were to be transformed by renewing their minds. This transformation is an ongoing, daily process that enables us to discern the will of God. Without renewing our minds, we cannot accurately declare what God's will is for us or others.

Being transformed is essential for practicing faith in everyday life. This transformation is an ongoing process that requires a constant commitment to renewing our minds and dedicating ourselves to God's service.

Watch: Be Transformed

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