Day 2 | Offer Yourself Today

Apr 18, 2023 10:01 am

Scripture: Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (Romans 12:1b)

Quote: It is not enough to make this offering once and for all. Rather, we must do so every day of our lives. (James Montgomery)

Reflection: Yesterday, we talked about offering ourselves as living sacrifices to God. Today, we will delve deeper into the idea of offering ourselves daily. Paul says that it is not enough to make this offering once and for all; we must do so every day of our lives.

We might wonder why Paul emphasizes this point. It is because offering ourselves daily shows our ongoing commitment to God. It is easy to become complacent in our faith and take God's mercy for granted. But when we offer ourselves daily, we renew our commitment to God and acknowledge that we need His grace every day.

Offering ourselves daily also means that we recognize that our lives are not our own. As Christians, we belong to God, and we are called to live in a way that pleases Him. It means that we are willing to sacrifice our own desires and priorities to follow God's will.

Prayer: Dear God, help me to offer myself as a living sacrifice to you today. May I never take your mercy for granted, but always seek to renew my commitment to you. Help me to recognize that my life belongs to you and that I am called to live in a way that pleases you. Amen.

Get into Action: Think about a specific area of your life where you can offer yourself as a living sacrifice to God today. It might be in your relationships, your studies or work, your hobbies, or your use of technology. Set a goal for how you will make this offering today to God in that area of your life.

Watch: Be Transformed

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