The secret formula to marriage (that's not really a secret)
Nov 13, 2023 8:01 am
patience /pā′shəns/
The capacity, quality, or face of being patient.
patient /pā′shənt/
Bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance with calmness
There is no secret formula nor magic bullet to making your marriage work. However, there is a need -- a deep need -- for you to grow [continually] in patience.
The ability to bear or endure ...
pain like betrayal
difficulty like illness involving you, your mate, or children
provocation like your mate pushing your buttons
annoyance like your mate doing THAT thing, again, for the millionth time
... with calmness.
Impossible? I don't know.
Here's what I do know, as humans we have the ability to grow, adapt, and be who and what we need to be as it occurs to us that it's a good idea, helpful, and will bring positive consequences.
That said, consider where you need patience, and ask God to strengthen you to bear or endure pain, difficulty, provocation, annoyance with calmness.
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