Is that really true about your mate?
Nov 04, 2022 3:22 pm
Hi -
I have a question for you.
What do you believe to be true about your mate?
Here are some of the common negative adjectives I hear from spouses:
- Bossy
- Lazy
- Too big
- Too little
- Frigid
- Horny
- Talks too much
- Won't shut up
- Sloppy
- Ignores me
- Smothers me
- Irritating
- Nosy
- Has no spiritual life
- No sense of humor
- Plays too much
- Undesirable
- Poor with money
- Unhelpful
- In my way
- Ungrateful
- Drinks too much
- Won't touch me
- Won't stop touching me
Who knows? Whatever you believe to be true about your mate may actually be true.
And, there's also a possibility that it's not true, and you've successively locked your mate into a category based on your personal preferences.