Summary | Christianity on the Clock (Part 1)

Mar 12, 2023 7:25 pm

imagePhoto by Josue Isai Ramos Figueroa on Unsplash

Dear ,

Work is an essential part of life and it's no coincidence that it's ordained by God. In fact, God was the first being to work, even before humans were created (Genesis 2:2-3). It's not a result of the fall or part of the curse, but rather an inherent part of our existence. 

This series is meant to provide a context for work based on how God worked. While getting a paycheck is important, it's not the only reason we work. The goal is not just to like your job, but to work in a way that reflects God's character. Your employer hired you primarily to address their business goals and challenges, and all the work you do should be within that context. 

God did six things while he worked, and one after he finished his work. In this summary, we will look at three of them. The first thing God did was create. As humans, we can also create in our work, no matter our position or job. We have been blessed with unique gifts and talents, and we should bring those to bear in our work. This can make the job more interesting and prevent us from feeling like we're just punching a clock. However, our creativity should be directed towards addressing and taking action on our organization's goals and challenges For example, Tony Lepore, the Dancing Cop turned an ordinary role into something extraordinary.

The second thing God did while working was to say. Words have the power to impact the people around us, and we should be mindful of what we say in our heart and out loud. Our words should help us fulfill our role for our employer, not distract us from it. We should speak with intention, whether it's giving answers, challenging the status quo, making promises to do work, or declaring things to be so and then working towards them. For example, an entry-level employee who sees an opportunity to improve a process can take the initiative to create a proposal for a new process and present it to their manager for consideration.

The third thing God did while working was to make. Making involves taking charge of something and dealing with it. While not all of us may have the decision-making authority, we can all step up and make bold decisions where we can, for the good of the organization. We should not be afraid of failure or getting in trouble, but rather focus on doing what's best for the company. For example, a frontline worker who sees an opportunity to improve a customer's experience can take the initiative to comp a meal if that will resolve the issue, and keep the customer coming back and spending money.

In conclusion, work is not just a means to an end, but a way to reflect God's character in the world. By creating, speaking with intention, and making bold decisions, we can work in a way that brings glory to God and helps our organizations achieve their goals.



Watch: Christianity on the Clock (Pt 1)
