They were miserable, and then ...

Jun 08, 2021 6:31 pm



[ Read Time: 1 min, 25 secs ]

Last week I spoke with my friend Willie.

Willie is married to Brittaney, and they have a daughter named Sophia.

Little Miss Sophia almost didn't get here because Willie and Brittaney almost didn't make it.

A few years ago Willie and Brittaney got married in a rushed in a small ceremony after a rushed engagement. They didn't do any marital counseling, and didn't have much guidance on the way to the altar.

Boy, did they pay the price.

The marriage was miserable...for both of them.

They couldn't agree on anything, didn't really care for one another, and were dead set on getting a divorce so they could have some relief.

Then something happened ...

Softened hearts. Listening ears. Patient stances. A willingness to try although it was terribly inconvenient, difficult, and humbling.

Willie went first (someone always has to!), and through time the Lord changed the way Willie felt about his wife.

When Sophia saw Willie changing—the man she thought it was impossible to love and live with—she, too, began to change.

It was a slow process, and required a lot of counseling, prayer, and soul-searching. But, they turned the corner.

I was honored to take them through marriage counseling and officiate their vow renewal ceremony.

It almost didn't happen. But, then, again, anything can happen when spouses are willing to make the impossible happen.

