Inner Reset: A Call for True Renewal

Oct 19, 2023 7:01 am


Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10)

In yesterday's devotion, I shared how jealously often operates in the background, subtly influencing our decisions and relationships without us even being aware.

Recognizing jealousy is the first battle. Yet, the real challenge lies in eradicating it from the heart. This is where the power of God's touch becomes indispensable.

In today's verse, we see David pleading with God to clean his heart and to renew a right spirit. Why is this plea to God so essential? A heart tainted by jealousy is a heart adrift from God's love. Actions emanating from a jealous heart are unlikely to reflect God's grace, mercy, or love. Instead, they mirror the distorted perceptions and insecurities that jealousy fosters. They reflect confusion, evil, and everything else that is sinful. To avoid this spiritual condition, we need divine intervention, a touch from God, to renew our heart and spirit.

Seeing and removing jealousy is not one we can undertake alone. It requires God's guiding hand, transforming our hearts. It also requires us being sensitive to the Holy Spirit as he directs us. A renewed heart not only brings us closer to God but also empowers us to truly love and get along with those who seem further along.



Lord, I acknowledge the imperfections and tendencies of my heart. Where jealousy lurks in its hidden corners, shine Your light and cleanse it. Create in me a heart that resonates with Your love, and renews my spirit to mirror Your grace in every aspect of my life. Help me to always turn to You in times of emotional turmoil, trusting in Your transformative power. Amen.



1. Can you recall moments when hidden jealousy influenced your actions or thoughts?

2. How does God's promise of a renewed heart provide solace in confronting your own weaknesses?

3. What steps can you take daily to ensure your heart remains in alignment with God's love and purpose?

Watch: They. You. Me.

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