What's Missing in Your Marriage? 🤔
Oct 14, 2023 7:01 am
Mentally put a check in the box beside the item your marriage needs:
⏹ Understanding
⏹ Patience
⏹ Quality Time
⏹ Trust
⏹ Date Nights
⏹ Love
⏹ Giving
⏹ Forgiveness
⏹ Honesty
⏹ Good Deeds
⏹ Listening
⏹ Tender talk
⏹ Transparent Communication
⏹ Physical Touch
⏹ Other _____________
For every box you checked, I encourage you to look for ways you can bring it to your marriage.
Yes, YOU.
I know it's easy to say your spouse should bring it, and it's even easier to wait for him/her to bring it. I've been down that road a bunch of times, and I can tell you what's at the end of it: resentment, for both spouses.
If your marriage is missing something, you bring it. Over and over and over. Then bring it, again. After all, if it was going to be there, it likely would have been there by now.
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