Only 2 newsletters left in 2021...

Dec 18, 2021 7:01 pm

You're receiving this newsletter because you subscribed either at, or by downloading The Widow of Alabaster Point, free tarot spreads, a content brainstorming workbook, or enrolling in the daily writing habit email course.


Let's get down to brass tacks, gang.

I'm in holiday mode and the only prescription is more sugar cookies.

But, in the interest of letting you know what's coming up in 2022...I hope you're ready for blog posts. I'm getting jazzed up about my editorial calendar. It's gonna be a good year.

And if you haven't already, make sure you enter my giveaway. It closes on December 25, and I'll be contacting the winners on Monday the 27th.

And I'm finalizing a book writing/publishing schedule. I'm getting pretty excited about what I have in store for you in 2022.

And if you need some books to cuddle up with next to the fire while you sip some cocoa, you know I've got you. Check out the Dark Holiday Sale.


Thanks for letting me invade your inbox! 



📚 Books

📒 Planners and Journals
