Office Supplies and The Sneeze-Long Summer β˜€οΈ πŸ‰ πŸ‘™

Aug 07, 2021 5:01 pm


Good morning, friends!

I can't believe it's already August. I know it's silly to remark on the passage of time, the one thing we can actually count on these days, but I'm going to do it anyway.

This summer has flown by, and I mentioned to a friend the other day that it felt like the summer lasted as long as a sneeze. I suppose the clichΓ© is that something happened in the blink of an eye. But I like the sneeze. It's thematically appropriate for those of us with summer allergies.


In my neck of the woods, some kids will be going back to school starting Monday the 9th. Many more will be going back a little later in the week.

And while I don't have a child, nor do I teach anymore, I get really excited for the back-to-school supply displays at my local Target and Walmart. I know that's really silly.


Back in March, I found myself on the couch, glass of wine in one hand, phone in the other, scrolling through several online storefronts simply to find the holy grail of back to school supplies--THE TRAPPER KEEPER.

As a kid, I had a Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper. It was the one with the dog and cat getting married. And then, when I went to middle school, we had to get zip-up Trapper Keepers so thick they wouldn't fit in your backpack.

I bring all this up because Walmart currently has "vintage-style" Mead Trapper Keepers, complete with super duper 1980s designs. You can also find them on Amazon and folks are already reselling them on eBay.

I thought I'd share just in case you were an office supply hound like me.

I may or may not have 2 of these bad boys in my possession. Or rather, they are in a box in a storage unit, just waiting until I move into my new house next week.

On a final note: Thank you for all your tarot questions last week. I really appreciate them, and I'll be working on getting them organized and synthesized into answers/content/courses/books after the move. If you have a tarot question that you'd like answered, you can always send it my way.


And just an FYI--I'm currently working on a novel series based on the major arcana of the tarot. (I can't remember if I told you guys that or not.) So, this fall, be prepared to be inundated with tarot stuff.

I'm pretty excited about all of it.

Thanks for letting me invade your inbox! 



πŸ“š Ex Libris is out now!
