Hope When the World Is on Fire ❤️

Jul 09, 2022 12:00 pm

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I may be the last person who should be writing about hope or optimism. I despair at the slightest inconvenience or obstacle.

But I that's not an option anymore.

I'm not saying to ignore how you feel, nor am I saying that we should all just grin and bear it. I am saying that there's a particular power in seeing how things are around you, and doing the things you love anyway.

This past week was rough. I spent Monday watching the events in Highland Park, Illinois unfold, numb and hollowed out again as a mass shooting played out in real time on social media. I've never been in a mass shooting, but I do need two hands to count how many times I was almost in one.

I'm not a political scholar, or any type of scholar really, but I did sit rapt with attention as several UK politicians resigned, followed by Prime Minister Boris Johnson. I gleefully giggled every time someone said the phrase "activate the queen." I know what it means in the political context. But it's really hard for me to not imagine the queen slowly standing, hydraulic lifts buzz-humming as she assumes her true form--a Voltron-style robot.


Apparently Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was forced to leave a fancy restaurant before dessert was served because protesters showed up to remind him how much he sucks. A rep from the restaurant stated: "Politics, regardless of your side or views, should not trample the freedom at play of the right to congregate and eat dinner."

Bro, you had me at politics shouldn't trample freedom. Can you relay the message to your buddy Brett?

And as I write this, news of the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has hit my twitter feed. I won't pretend that I know anything about Japanese politics, but it always hits really hard when there is gun violence in a country where that's not the norm. I always feel somewhat responsible as an American, like my existence has normalized it. And I hate how many people will use that occurrence as a very flawed and cherry-picked example as to why gun restrictions don't work.

I know I'm not even scratching the surface of all the things that have happened. Last week was rough. And when you think about the things that happened the week before--like how Ohio police shot 25-year-old Jayland Walker 60 times--it's hard to have any hope for anything.

I'm not stupid. I know in the grand scheme of things this newsletter doesn't matter. And I know that anything I do will have very little effect on anything. I know you don't come to me for political commentary, and I know from the sheer number of unsubscribes I get every week that many of you wish I'd stick to talking about books and tarot.

I just can't right now. And for those of you who stick around because you're feeling this too, I guess it's good to know that I'm not alone. So, thank you.

I asked my husband what I should say in my newsletter this week. He was succinct, as usual:

"Fuck it! It's too damn hot and this place fucking sucks. Stay cool and masturbate."

So, there's some solid advice from Chris. Do with it as you will.

Hope and optimism are hard to come by these days. But I do know that the only time I feel human is when I'm writing or reading or pulling tarot cards or working out.

Those things feel so small and inconsequential right now. But the more I do them, the more I feel less hopeless. Having those little parts of my routine intact keeps me from spiraling.

So, while Chris's advice isn't terrible, maybe a more proactive form of self-care is to do the things you love because you deserve to do them. You don't have to sit glued to the TV or computer as breaking news happens. You can take care of yourself, no matter what that looks like.

It's hard to be a human right now. Don't let that make you feel like there's something wrong with you.

If you need it, this newsletter is your permission slip to read a trashy romance novel, play with art supplies, listen to your favorite album, eat a popsicle in the sun, have deep philosophical conversations about language, pick wildflowers, pull tarot cards, free write your random thoughts, or just be.

Optimism and hope come to us when we remember there are good things in the world. Just ask Samwise Gamgee.




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