I am the grownup now, X-Acto knife! 🗡

Oct 23, 2021 5:01 pm

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Dear reader, in honor of my birthday yesterday, I wanted to share verifiable proof that I'm not an adult.


Like, sure. I'm 36 now, a weird age, to be sure. But you know what? I can't pick up an X-Acto knife without first thinking, "I need to find a grown up to help me."

This was true in all my art classes in school. Even when the students had the motor skills and mental capacity to understand how to use a sharp object, we still weren't allowed to because the school system feared a lawsuit from the parents of an injured kid.

But now? I'm the adult in the room and I can use an X-Acto knife whenever I want. Granted, there aren't a ton of opportunities to do that. I'm not particularly crafty, and no one has assigned me an art project in a very long time.

(Feel free to respond to this email and assign me an art project. Keep in mind that I don't have a huge budget for art supplies, and we're about to have a huge shortage of blue paint in the supply chain. So I would like to not use that so that there's some left for the actual painters.)


But all that is to say it's weird how we can get it so into our heads that we are something, or we're not that something. It becomes the narrative that guides us, and we wind up believing it, never questioning it, and living our lives by it.

I know, on an intellectual level, that I'm an adult. I've done a lot of stuff that makes me an adult. But it's definitely hard to feel that way most of the time. And, at this point, I've officially been a legal adult as long as I've been a legal child. So, maybe this is the year that the scales tip toward adulthood.

Though, please know that I will absolutely still be a very, very silly person.

Now, as you begin your weekend, let me make a few recommendations.

Grab this FREE read:


Fill the Hogwarts-sized hole in your magic academy heart with this book:


And, since my brain associates fantasy novels with fall (just me?), you need some fun fall fantasy reads to cuddle up on the couch with:


Thanks for letting me invade your inbox! 



