3 is the correct number of desks.

Apr 09, 2022 12:01 pm

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I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I now have 3 desks in my office, and that this is the correct amount of desks.

"But Marisa," I hear you say, "I've only ever considered a single desk."

Yes, that makes sense. Most people live in that sort of world. I, however, need a lot of surfaces to put my stuff on. Sure. It's a lot of stuff. But it's important stuff.

Sometimes having a space to do the hobby is the actual thing that enables the hobby. If you can't spread out and work, it's too hard to work, and it makes the work frustrating.

I'm not saying you have to spend money to make your hobbies easier. You can do them wherever. But when you have the space for them, it makes it a lot more fun.

And I'm not saying that having 3 desks makes me feel like that scene in The Matrix where Neo can stop bullets. But I'm also not *not* saying that.

Also, I suppose The Matrix wouldn't have been a very successful film franchise if it was just Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss trying to buy solid wood furniture off Facebook Marketplace so they could have enough surfaces for their various hobbies.

I would've still enjoyed the movie though.

So, let's take a look at my office:


What a mess.

On the left we have the secretary desk. It's full of tarot and oracle decks, notebooks for morning pages, and journals. (There's also an Alphasmart word processor there. Because Chris bought me another one so he can modify my old one into a cyberdeck.)

In the center is my desk desk. It's where the computer and my planner sit. It's where I do all the writing and blogging. It is the deskiest of the desks.

And that messy desk situation on the right? Well. That's the new art desk. As soon as I go through and organize those craft supplies and get them into some semblance of organization, I'm going to set up my sewing machine. I hope the local thrift store is ready for me to buy all the old sheets and curtains they're selling so I can turn them into something far, far worse!

(I'm genuinely bad at sewing. But I'm not surviving a global pandemic to not have a good time doing things I enjoy, even if I'm terrible at them.)

Anyway, I'm mostly kidding about The Matrix stuff. But clearing off space on my deskiest of desks so I can write more? It's awesome.

Speaking of writing...

Don't forget that you can sign up to receive an advanced reader copy of A Series of Unfortunate Meet Cutes! This anthology has been so fun to be a part of, and I'm super excited for you to meet Jo Bonneville, the witch of Kitchen Lake!


I'll be sharing more and more about this anthology and the story I contributed to it, so keep your eyes peeled.

On The Blog

How to Be More Serious In Life

The Writer's Presence Online: What to Do With Your Author Platform

How to Have a Daily Tarot Practice Without Sacrificing Your Precious Time

Check Out These Reads

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And there's a sci-fi and fantasy book fair!


Do you like ghosts?


What about ocean ghosts?


Okay. But what about spooky short stories?


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