Summer is Forever β˜€οΈ

Aug 06, 2022 12:01 pm

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It's not lost on me that as an adult, there is no big summer break. But also, it's kind of nice that I never have to do the whole back to school thing. As a kid, I remember feeling really ambivalent about that time of year. I loved the new crayons and fresh notebooks, but absolutely hated the whole going back to school part of it.


But I will admit that as an adult, I do get kind of salty that I don't get a summer break. I mean, I won't complain. I make my own schedule for the most part, and I can spend a day by the pool or in front of the TV for hours if I want to. Yeah, it means that I have to make up that work, but there's the option.

This all got me to thinking, though. What if I just reframed the seasons in my head? Yeah, I don't get a summer. But summer can be all year if I never have to step foot on an over-crowded school bus or take a chemistry test or try to navigate the complexities of teenage friendships.

Yes, Zoom calls and deadlines are stressful. But I will literally never have to worry about my so-called best friend telling everyone I have a crush on someone ever again.

I will never have to do homework again.

I will never have to look around a busy cafeteria with a lunch tray in my hand knowing there's no safe place to sit.

I will never have to sit for a meaningless standardized test again.

I will never again have to make fun of myself before others can do so, just so I can say that I'm in on the joke.

So yeah. There's no break in the schedule. But there is no greater psychological break than being an adult and not having to deal with all that shit anymore.


Here's to summer all year, my fellow nerds. May you always have a safe place to eat lunch and may you get a real kick out of seeing how many of your classmates have gone to jail the next time you open up the Facebook app!

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