🔮 What are your tarot questions?

Jul 31, 2021 5:01 pm


Good morning, friends.

As you read this, I will be sweating my ass off and moving big pieces of furniture into a storage unit. I mean, Chris and some of his very strong-backed friends will be doing this. But like, I'm there for moral support, so it still counts, right?

In actuality, I will be trying to sell the few remaining pieces of furniture that have been deemed too janky for our new abode, but not so bad that we'd just donate them to charity.

Selling on Facebook Marketplace is not for the faint of heart, or for people who expect the best out of their fellow man.

Everything with the big move is officially a go, but we don't move into our new place until August 10. So, until then, I'll be like one of those cool location-independent entrepreneurs that are all over Instagram, just sharing their groovy lifestyle. (That sounds cooler than saying I'll be sleeping in my parents' guest room.)

All that is to say that I have very little bandwidth and the only stories that are coming to mind as I type this bad boy are stories about how many boxes I'm surrounded by, or how easy it is to get packing tape in your hair like some sort of idiot toddler.

So, instead of trying to to tell you something relevant, I thought I'd just ask you some questions. Specifically, tarot questions.


Or rather, I'm gonna have you ask me questions. I want to know what your tarot questions are!

  • Do you wanna know how to get better at reading the cards?
  • Interested in how you to choose a deck?
  • Do you want more info on the different suits of the minor arcana?
  • Would you be interested in an eCourse about learning tarot?
  • What about an eCourse about using the tarot to outline a novel?
  • Want to know how to design spreads?

All of these are acceptable questions to ask. You can get more detailed, or less. You can ask something not on this list! You can ask me anything about the tarot.

And in the interest of full transparency, I'll be using this information to make some online content and probably a product or two. So, If you have a tarot question you'd like me to answer, I'm all ears.

Just hit reply, friends.

Thanks for letting me invade your inbox! 




📚 Ex Libris is out now!
