๐Ÿ˜ฑ There are 4 months left of the year...

Sep 04, 2021 5:01 pm

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I, for one, did not.

This past week has been weird for me. In addition to realizing that it's already September, I'm reassessing who I am in the context of the work I do. Or maybe it's how I work?

Let me explain.

When I was teaching at OU, I had the rhythm of my day down. I knew when I had to be in a classroom, when I needed to weigh down my desk in my office, and when I could squeeze in some work on my own stuff.

I felt really productive then. I felt like I could push through and get everything on my to do list done.

Burn out? Don't know her. I got things done. I was productive!

Though, I think maybe I was just busy.

Even though I published tons of blog posts and videos, sometimes I wonder if it was worth it. I mean, it was. I have this online platform, and you're probably here because you found me via my blog or YouTube channel.

I have always loved the way I can connect with other humans via online media.

But I do know that there have been times that I've stuck to the posting schedule even when I wasn't feeling it, or didn't have anything super important to say. And at the end of the day, it's a lot of work to make online content.

It didn't always feel that way. But something snapped. I think it was last year, honestly. I just hit a wall with everything. And that was the first time that life was burning me out instead of just work being the culprit. I was just too tired to be the machine I used to be.

So, I stepped away for a bit. I regret nothing.

And now, as I settle into my new house and take stock of what I've done this year and what I would like to do, I'm shocked to find that time has passed even though I was trying to take a break.

(Clocks are the most disrespectful creatures.)

On Wednesday, in a planning co-working session with The Create Your Purpose Collective, I took some time to look at what I would like to do. I did a total brain dump รก la Sarah Steckler, and made some task lists for everything I need to do.

I've been in such a defeatist mindset about my work. I've felt like there's not enough time and I'll never get anything done. But after the brain dump, I realized that I'm pretty close to hitting all those goals, and may have some time to get a jump on what I want to do for 2022.

(It feels weird to type out 2022. WE ARE LITERALLY LIVING IN THE FUTURE, GANG.)


And, as a little peek into the madness, here's a list of what I'll be doing to finish out the year:

Fiction writing: Editing The Fool, writing and editing The Magician and The High Priestess. As I've mentioned, I'm working on a novel series based on the major arcana. I'm super excited to share it with you soon!

Tarot resources: Outlining and creating an intro to tarot course, and creating a plan for a tarot membership site. I think this is going to be a lot of fun, and I've ruminating on it long enough that I just need to start working on it, so I can see how all those ideas I have play together.

Art Like a Boss: Putting the finishing touches on the Creative Project Management Guidebook and filming some masterclasses based on student requests to go with the course content.

Planners/journals: Finishing up the cover and edits for The GTFO Journal (that I started last year) and finishing up the first draft of an online content repurposing planner. And then, I'll be creating a companion course to go with the content repurposing planner.

This may seem like a lot, but a lot of it is already started, or at least outlined in a crazy amount of detail.

And when I wrote down all the tasks in my brain dump, I just felt like I could make this all happen. That's the power of seeing what you have to do and knowing the time you have.

For me, 2021 has been a year of intense burn out and chasing shiny objects. So I'm thinking of ways to fix that moving forward. I'm still setting up my office, but as soon as I figure out how I'm going to create a time management visualization tool that keeps me on track, I'll be sharing it right here.

Thanks for letting me invade your inbox! 




๐Ÿ“š Ex Libris is out now!
