My new favorite daydream is... πŸ’­

Oct 09, 2021 5:01 pm

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Sometimes I come to you with news of what I've been up to. And sometimes I just empty the idle thoughts from my brain and inflict them uponst you.

Today is a day where you will be inflicted uponst.

(I love to say "uponst." It's silly. I make no aplogies.)

I'm a daydreamer, and that shouldn't be a surprise. I think all artists are, but I think writers are the worst about it. I mean, what is writing if not hallucinating for a few hours while your fingers tap merrily uponst the keyboard?

Lately, I've been daydreaming about trips to weird antique shops out in the boondocks. You know, the sort of shops housed in aluminum buildings out in a field, and you gotta park in a muddy hole out front. (This may be specific to the area of the country where I live, but I like to think everyone has weird small towns where there's zero infrastructure and an abandoned Halliburton warehouse where all the kids do drugs after dark.)


Anyway, once you go into the aluminum building, you find tons of really great stuff that is so modestly priced that you can't help but to buy it all.

We're talking bronze busts of Beethoven, mid century record cabinets, first editions of all the poetry books you obsessed over in college, and a vintage dress that is everything you've ever wanted, and magically fits, even after all the bread you consumed during lockdown.

I want to go to there, dear reader. I want to go to there.

I don't know what the pandemic has done to me, but I used to dream of extravagant travel. Now, I dream of going to a janky antique store in the middle of nowhere.

Also, from the conversations I've had this past week, we all need a vacation of some kind. And well. If I can make it happen, I feel like you should know that I'm vacationing to this small town to buy all the antiques.

But if you need a getaway this month, and are in the area, I can't recommend the Mindful Muse Creativity Retreat enough. I've been several times, and it's always a joy. I can't make it this year, but if you can, you won't regret it. Click the image below to get more information.


And before I let you go, I wanted to put a couple of books on your radar. I'm currently making my way through both of them, and I'm really enjoying them. And honestly, who doesn't need to stack more books uponst their TBR?



Oh, and if you need some seasonally appropriate reads, don't forget to check out these promos:



ο»ΏThanks for letting me invade your inbox! 


