💻 What's your internet guilty pleasure?

Aug 14, 2021 5:01 pm


I apologize in advance for making you blush, dear reader, but I'm dying to know what you're consuming online these days.

And please know that I don't automatically assume you're mainlining adult content or anything like that.

But I know you log onto Al Gore's internet to find your guilty pleasure.

EXAMPLE: Some of you know this about me, and some don't. But I used to be OBSESSED with Mormon mommy blogs.

(Now. I'm not saying you should feel guilty for reading blogs like this. In fact, I kind of hate the phrase guilty pleasure. But what other phrase do you use to describe the sort of stuff you consume even if it's not for you and it makes you feel weird to let people know you've consumed it? I imagine my mom felt this way listening to The Carpenters at home by herself when her friends assumed she only listened to Pink Floyd.)

I used feed readers like Google Reader, Feedly, and Bloglovin' to aggregate all my favorite Mormon mommy blogs in one place, and then on Sunday mornings, I'd catch up on all of them.

I read more than the Mormon mommy blogs, but nothing really captivated me quite like these effortlessly thin women in stylish clothing, raising babies and living in homes fully furnished with Anthropology decor.


(If any of that sounds implausible or incorrect, check out some Mormon mommy blogs. It's an interesting niche. Also, if you read blogs, there's a non zero chance that you read Mormon mommy blogs without realizing it. They are a large portion of the parenting and lifestyle blogosphere. Also, random internet history note, the first famous OG personal blog was Dooce.com, a blog about being a Mormon mother, though it has transformed DRAMATICALLY since then.)

I found this niche by following a ton of women writers online. And wow. Did you know that like 85% of women writers with blogs are Christian writers who blog about motherhood, inspiration, and using their craft to get closer to God?

I read a lot of these, even though it should be pretty obvious that a cursing tarot reader who likes ghost stories isn't really their target demographic.

So, now that I've aired my dirty laundry a bit, it's your turn.

I want to know what kind of content you can't stop bingeing online.

Have you found the home organization corner of TikTok and watch video after video? Do you love the section of YouTube where Marxists bash the logical fallacies of neoliberalism? Have you found an Instagram account that shares Enneagram memes that read you for filth?

Full disclosure: I want to know because I'm about to overhaul some online content. And while I'm building my editorial calendar, I want to see what's drawing your attention.

I'm not saying I'll ever make a home organization TikTok account, but I may see how I can make similar content to tickle your brains.

Also, please know that there is a chance that some of the stuff I have out there now may be going away. I'm not saying I'm deleting all willynilly, but I will be archiving some content that no longer represents what I do.

(Don't worry, gang. The blog post about Dollar Tree drug test kits will live on forever.)

If you're interested in answering, just hit reply!


(And thank you for all your tarot questions the past two weeks! Those answers will be coming shortly, but you know, gotta have an editorial calendar to get them out.)

Also, the move went without a hitch. Which is to say it was all hitches so it's not like I could pick one out of a lineup. And next week, I'll be sharing my new office space!

Thanks for letting me invade your inbox! 




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