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Jan 08, 2022 1:01 pm

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Gang, I need your help.

I'm surrounded by some of the most delightfully nerdy people. I love how much they love fun, silly things. I love listening to them talk about the shows and books and movies and comics they're consuming.

Mostly, I love hearing them talk about the fictional characters they'd die for.

It's so cool to see that stories can have such an impact on people.

But here's the thing...

I may be a little broken, because I feel like I can't love stuff like that anymore.

(I mean, I've fallen hard for the tarot, and you can learn how to fall hard too in this week's blog post about learning to read tarot fast.)

I don't fall in love with characters or settings the way I used to. I don't consider myself a super fan of anything.


There are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly, I think 2020 broke us all a little bit, and well. Maybe I can't love fake stuff that deeply anymore.

(I do think this can be fixed. It'll just take some time and healing and emotional distance from the pandemic, which we can't have until we have some actual distance from the pandemic. Once, in high school, I got a fortune cookie that said the deeper sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain. I carried that fortune in my wallet well into grad school like it was a sacred text. So, I believe we'll get back to a deeper love. But right now, I don't know if I can.)

And secondly, I guess I've been betrayed by some of the creators of some of my favorite stories. Marion Zimmer Bradley was the first. And, well. It's been disheartening to see so many authors either put their heads in the sand and pretend everything's okay, defend literal murderers, or just use their platforms to cause harm to already marginalized people.

So, now I'm guarding my heart until I find a story creator worthy of my love.

That's where you come in!

Hit reply and send me some of your favorite stories. I'm talking movies, books, comics, hell, even records. Not all creators are terrible...right? Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to help me become a super fan of something. I love fantasy and sci-fi and romance and punk rock and action adventure stuff...basically I love all stuff.

So send me some stuff. I'm going to put it on my list.

And before you go, here's some stuff to maybe add to your list too.

This cover looks luxuriously creepy:


And I'm getting some fun adventure vibes from this one:


Oh, and who doesn't love ghost stories...


Thanks for letting me invade your inbox! 



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