💌 An email you'll probably never see...

Nov 27, 2021 7:01 pm

You're receiving this newsletter because you subscribed either at MarisaMohi.com, or by downloading The Widow of Alabaster Point, free tarot spreads, a content brainstorming workbook, or enrolling in the daily writing habit email course.


I know you're probably drowning in emails right now. Yesterday was Black Friday, and every company you've ever heard of was probably in your inbox with deals that won't last long.

I know it's a lot. And I know that many of you will see this email and simply unsubscribe because you've been so inundated this weekend with sales.

So, I'll keep this short and sweet. Here's a few deals that may be worth your time and energy.

Podia is where I host my eCourses and eBooks. It's a great platform that allows you to sell digital products, send emails, and even host a community. (The community thing is a brand new feature that I want to explore in 2022!) This weekend only, lock in 10% off current plan prices plus save an extra 50% off your first two months, regardless of which plan you choose. FIND OUT MORE HERE. (This is an affiliate link. That means I make a small commission if you click it and purchase, at no extra cost to you.)

And Sarah Steckler at Mindful Productivity Blog is running an absolutely bonkers deal this weekend. Check out all the awesome eCourses you can get this weekend to help you run your creative business.

And here's some fun reads to keep you busy while you consume leftover pie. (If you're in the U.S. you probably have leftover pie. If you're not in the U.S., take this as a permission slip to head to the nearest bakery and grab a pie that you then consume by yourself while reading these books.)




Thanks for letting me invade your inbox! 




📚 Books

📒 Planners and Journals
