Yesterday's Lesson

Mar 11, 2024 12:12 am

Hello ,

I hope this finds you wrapped in the gentle ease of the weekend, savoring moments of joy and rest. Today, I’m reaching out from a place of deep reflection, stirred by an experience that unfolded just yesterday. It’s a story about confronting old patterns, about the continuous journey of learning to prioritize our own well-being, and it's one I feel compelled to share with you.

Even as someone who champions self-care and encourages each of us to say YES to our own needs, I'll be honest—I still get tangled in the web of guilt and the "shoulds" that society has woven around us. The belief that I should always place others' needs before my own or that self-care is a luxury I can earn only after all the "important" tasks are done, is a tough one to shake.

Yesterday brought this struggle into sharp relief. My husband, without any ill intent, asked me for a favor right as I was lacing up my shoes for a much-needed walk. A walk I promised myself for the sake of my own sanity and well-being. In that moment, a familiar pang of guilt struck, whispering, "You should do this for him. How can you be so selfish to choose a walk over a favor?"

But this time, something shifted within me. Instead of letting guilt dictate my actions, I chose differently. I took a deep breath and said, "I need to go for this walk. It’s important for me. I’ll help you when I get back." And just like that, I stepped out the door.

This experience, as simple as it may seem, was a profound reminder for me—and I hope it can be for you too—that setting boundaries and honoring our needs is not only okay but necessary. It's how we teach others to respect our self-care time as non-negotiable. It's not a sign of selfishness but a step towards healthy self-respect.

Affirmation for the Week:

"I give myself permission to prioritize my well-being. My needs are important and honoring them brings balance and peace into my life."

Journaling Question:

Reflect on a moment this week where you chose yourself. How did it make you feel? What did you learn about your needs and boundaries?

As we navigate the week ahead, let’s carry this affirmation in our hearts and take the time to reflect on our daily choices through journaling. Remember, every act of self-care, no matter how small, is a declaration of our worth and a step towards a more balanced life.

And if you’re looking for more structured support on this journey, I invite you to join “Zen in Ten: 5 Day Journey to Inner Calm.” It’s a path designed to help us integrate moments of self-care into our lives, gently guiding us towards inner peace and balance. [Click here to start your journey.]

Let’s embrace this week with kindness towards ourselves, knowing that in each moment we choose self-care, we’re nurturing not just our own souls but setting a ripple of wellness into the world.

With all my love and encouragement,


P.S. Remember, your journey to self-care is a beautiful testament to your strength. I’m here with you, cheering on each step you take towards embracing the peace and joy you deserve. Let’s make this week a powerful one, filled with moments of self-love and care. 🌿
