Discover Claudia's Inspiring Self-Care Journey 🌟

May 07, 2024 7:16 pm

Dearest ,

Last year, I had the opportunity to interview 30 amazing women who are leaders in self-care for my Take Time for You Summit. One of those incredible women was Claudia Taboada. I recently shared her interview in another coaching program I'm in (yes, I have a coach too!).

We clicked instantly and have had several insightful discussions since. I thought you'd love Claudia's approach to self-care as a single mom to an adult son with Autism.


watch here

Here's the deal: You have approx. 2 days to watch the free training before it disappears.

So if you're interested in figuring out how to navigate self-care while managing life as a caregiver, give it a watch here. It's only 35 minutes long!

Take care,

Charity xoxo

P.S. If you’re ready to feel the same joy and clarity through self-care, I invite you to join the Zen in Ten Collective VIP Lounge. It's FREE and is your exclusive path to learning small, impactful practices that will help you navigate life’s chaos with more ease and joy. Click here to access the VIP Lounge, where you can also enjoy an exclusive VIP-only discount and over $360 in bonuses!
