I know I am not the only one

Jan 04, 2024 7:42 pm

Hey ,

Hope the New Year is treating you well!

I wanted to share a real, raw slice of life with you. A few days ago, I'm cruising along, doing my thing, and out of the blue, a close friend said some things that really hurt me. My mind started spiraling with unhelpful thoughts like, 'What is wrong with me? Can't they see that I am not what they say?' and 'How could they say that to me?'


I felt a mix of emotions—sadness, hurt, even a touch of judgment. In that moment, part of me longed for an apology or some acknowledgment of the impact those words had on me. It was a tough spot to be in, and I think many of us can relate to that desire for understanding and closure.

Now, let's talk about some lessons that emerged from this experience:

Lesson #1: Manage Your Thoughts, Don't Let Them Manage You - It's natural for our minds to spiral, but it's crucial to recognize when unhelpful thoughts take control. Acknowledge them, but don't let them define your worth.

Lesson #2: The Meaning We Give Matters - The impact of words often depends on the meaning we attach to them. In this instance, I realized that my friend's words carried more weight because of the meaning I assigned to them. It's a reminder to be mindful of the interpretations we make.

Lesson #3: No Pre-set Manuals Here - Anticipating others to conform to our perfect standards often leads to letdowns. Rather than doling out instruction manuals dictating how others 'should act,' redirect your energy towards fostering understanding and compassion. This approach proves to be a more fruitful path in navigating relationships.

Now, let's dive into some real-life reflection:

Journaling Questions:

  1. How do you manage unhelpful thoughts when they arise?
  2. Reflect on a recent situation where the meaning you gave to someone's words affected your emotions. How can you reframe that meaning?
  3. In what ways can you shift from expecting others to conform to your expectations to fostering understanding and compassion?


"I am in control of my thoughts, and the meaning I give holds the power. I choose understanding and compassion over expectations."

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! Hit reply and let me know if this resonated with you or if you have any insights to share.

Feel free to share your thoughts. And if you ever want to chat about navigating life's twists and turns, I'm here.

Your journey is your epic adventure, and you've got all the tools to navigate it.

Let's rise together!

Talk soon,

Charity 💖

P.S. have you joined SoulSister Circle yet?
