It's read an eBook week with Smashwords! A list of my books can be found on my publisher's link.'t forget to checkout other authors and free deals as well.Mother's Day will be here soon...
We are fast approaching Read an Ebook Week, a week that encourages readers to pick up the digital device of their choice and download a new book to read.I'm excited to announce that all of my eBook titles, will be available as part of a promotion on...
Blog Post...Do you ever look back and think, “Me and my bright ideas?” Well today was one of those days. When we first arrived in Florida I washed all of the windows that don’t have screens and can be reached from the outside. Unfortunately, the livi...
Blog Post...After much frustration of cooking with three out of four burners, Jim and I decided to purchase a new stove in Florida. We had no idea how old the stove was, nor a good repairman, so it seemed like our best option.The installation crew wa...
Blog Post...Sea of RedWhile I was shopping, I stepped into the garden center for some potting soil. To my surprise, before me was a sea of red poinsettias that filled the aisles. Typically you see a few white and pink ones in the mix, but these were...
Upcoming events...I have one more craft show I will be participating in this fall. Makapen has 50+ vendors, so lots of handmade items for your Christmas shopping list. I will be there with my books, one-of-a-kind crochet critters, crochet bags, and o...
Upcoming events...If you missed Books in the Barn, there are several great vendor shows coming up in the next couple of months, which I am participating in.Friends Fest and Vendor Show, August 24th from 11 - 3, Valleyview Evangelical Friends Church,...
This sign has been hanging in our barn since we were the host family for Benefit in the Barn several years ago (Click here for 2024 details if interested). The pictures that were under the sign are long gone, but Oh What A Day it will be on August 10...
Books in the Barn...The barn is full and there is a great lineup this year. 46 vendors, consisting of 22 craft vendors, 21 authors, 7 direct sales, 1 painting class, and 1 food vendor. (If you are doing the math, some of the vendors have multiple pro...
After a week of hot dry weather, our cornfield is showing signs of needing much rain. We are much like the curled corn. When the heat of life is turned up, we tend to curl up and draw within ourselves. This too is a natural stress response, a way to...