Progress Doesn’t Happen At The Gym

May 13, 2024 11:58 pm

Happy Monday, !


Every time you perform a workout, you’re breaking your body down.

It’s true. The magic of muscle growth, fat burning, and other physical adaptations don’t happen in the gym.

They happen during the time when we’re NOT in the gym … especially when we’re sleeping.

That’s when our body rallies the recovery troops and builds us back up so we can hit the weights—or the basketball court or golf course—the next day.

So, if you’re not getting the results that you’d like from your workouts, look at your sleep and hydration first. Those are the two most overlooked areas when it comes to recovery and being able to bounce back from training.

If you make improvements in these two key areas and don’t see significant improvements in how you feel, it might be time to put your nutrition under the microscope. Are you getting lean protein, fruits, and vegetables with every meal? Are you including starches and grains in your breakfast or post-workout meal? Are you eating the correct portions? Many active people actually aren’t eating nearly enough food, which can sabotage your results just as much as eating too much.

(If you’d like me to take a closer look at your nutrition, let’s hop on a call so we can troubleshoot. You’ll come away with the two most important things to fix right away and some proven strategies to get it done.)

Last but not least, what about the “Stress Monster?” Stress, and how we respond to it, is one of the most significant factors in determining our body composition and overall health. So, if you’re not taking time for self-care—walking outdoors, Myofascial/SomaTherapy Sessions to speed up recovery or prevent injuries, and a morning and/or bedtime of light stretching or meditation—you’re leaving your health and fitness to chance.

Most of us are thrilled with three solid workouts per week. But remember … there are 168 hours in the week. Your results are going to be determined by how you’re doing during your “Other 165.”

Committed to Your Success,

Coach Lu 


Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance



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