What’s your score on this quiz?

Aug 21, 2022 1:45 am

Happy Saturday, !



Raise your hand if you love a “how am I doing?” quiz. (I know I love them!)


I’ve got a little fitness & health self-audit for you today to help keep you on track with your healthy habits.


This can be a good self-check to see if you need to double down on your healthy habits after the past few months.


How to take this quiz: Think about your past week, then answer the questions based on your actions (vs. your intentions!), and keep track of your “score” as you go.


Over the past 7 days, how many days did you:


1.   Work out for 20+ minutes

1 - 0-1 days

2 - 2 days

3 - 3 days

4 - 4 days

5 - 5+ days

2.   Get 7+ hours of sleep

1 - 0-1 days

2 - 2 days

3 - 3 days

4 - 4 days

5 - 5+ days

3.   Drink at least 8+ glasses of water

1 - 0-1 days

2 - 2 days

3 - 3 days

4 - 4 days

5 - 5+ days

4.   Eat fruit and/or veggies at every meal

1 - 0-1 days

2 - 2 days

3 - 3 days

4 - 4 days

5 - 5+ days

5.   Avoid sugary, fried, and/or salty food

1 - 0-1 days

2 - 2 days

3 - 3 days

4 - 4 days

5 - 5+ days

6.   Work on self-development or journaled

1 - 0-1 days

2 - 2 days

3 - 3 days

4 - 4 days

5 - 5+ days

Now … tally up that score! How did you do? (NOTE: There is no failure on this quiz – it’s all about making progress.)


25-30 points – AWESOME! You’re on fire with your healthy habits. Keep on crushing it!


19-24 points – Nice work … but it might be time to look at 1-2 of your habits to see if they need adjusting so you don’t lose any of the progress you’ve made.


Less than 18 points – It’s time to do some self-reflection and brainstorming. What’s important to you right now? Do you need a new goal to get excited about?


No matter what your score is, at Rigueur Soma Performance we can help you take the next step.


Whether it’s going after a big new goal … doing some troubleshooting … finding a new approach to your health, wellness and fitness … or embarking on a brand-new health & fitness journey … we work with our clients to find the right approach to help them create lasting results.


Want to know more about our Online Group Classes or Custom Coaching Program? Just reply back to this e-mail.


Make it an amazing evening,

Coach Lu 


Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance

w: https://rsomaperformance.com

e: ludwight@lurigueur.com

Booking Page: shor.by/RSPbookPage


