Jun 20, 2024 12:36 am

Happy Wednesday, !


❌ Want to stop quitting on your goals?

✅ Then start aligning them with your values.

Think about it: when something is important to you, you do it, right?

So, it’s not about “having more willpower,” It’s about defining your core values and using them as the “filter” you run your goals through.

Here’s how to figure out what matters MOST to you right now 👇

✔️ Step 1: Write down some values that matter to you. Ideas: health, family, happiness, security, freedom, money, or fun.

✔️ Step 2: Choose 2-3 of the top values on your list (they’re the ones that get you the most fired up!).

✔️ Step 3: Using your own words and specific examples, write down what your top values mean to you in your everyday life.

For example, if you chose “health” as a top core value, you might write about how being healthy means having the energy to pursue the business you want to create or being more present with your kids. Make it real.

✔️ Step 4: Read your values list every morning! Post it where you can see it. When you’re faced with a decision, make the choice that aligns with your values.

🧘 Now, run your biggest goals through these values. Do they align? If not, how CAN they be more aligned?

This is how you create goals that are important enough for you to keep…

So save this exercise and keep coming back to it whenever you need a tune-up!

Committed to Your Success,

Coach Lu 


Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance



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