Practical Mindfulness

Aug 19, 2024 1:08 am

Happy Sunday, !


Mindful Breathing Challenge

When it comes to “building new, healthy habits” “achieving hormonal balance for your body , almost nothing can hold you back more than living on autopilot.

And I’m not just talking about mindless snacking…

I’m also talking about: 

  • Saying “yes” to commitments when you really want to say “no”
  • Staying up late scrolling through your phone instead of getting the rest you need
  • Reaching for that extra cup of coffee instead of addressing why you’re tired
  • Reaching for the extra glass of wine instead of addressing why you’re stressed

And ignoring your body’s signals because you’re too busy to listen.

Yes, the right plan can help you “reduce chronic pain” “slow down premature aging” etc....

But being more mindful, present, and engaged in your life can help you get there quicker and easier.


Because not only do you immediately see (and feel) which actions tend to move you forward and make you feel good in the process… 

But you also start to see which actions (and maybe even beliefs!) hold you back from living the happiest, healthiest life possible. 

The bottom line is that if you want different results, you have to do things differently…

And it starts with honesty and awareness. 

So, my invitation for you today is to slow down. 

Take a breath before you say “yes.”

Count to five before you scroll.

Drink some water before you grab another coffee or wine. 

Everything you want is on the other side of being present.

Have you noticed moments of holding your breath or experiencing tension during the day?

Consider participating in our Mindful Breathing Challenge to enhance your awareness of breathing and enjoy the associated benefits. Click here to learn more


Committed to your success,

Coach Lu 


Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance



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