❓Can I really eat a healthy diet on a budget?

Feb 01, 2023 9:16 pm

Happy Wednesday, !


✅ The answer: Yes – if you plan ahead! Planning is a big part of meal prepping, something we’ve been talking a lot about this month.

👉A few tips for saving $$$ at the grocery store:

  • Shop sales, especially when it comes to proteins & produce
  • Canned foods like pumpkin, legumes, and tomatoes can be big money savers
  • Frozen veggies + fruits are budget-friendly, and they have a longer shelf life than fresh
  • Look for foods that pack a lot of nutrition for their cost, like potatoes, rice, oatmeal, eggs, cottage cheese, fresh spinach, and carrots.
  • Avoid buying foods just because they’re “healthy” – if you’re not going to eat them, they aren’t a good deal.
  • Buying in bulk can also be a money saver, as long as you are sure that you’re going actually to use the food! 

Have any other tips to add to the list? ⬇️⬇️

Committed to your success,

Coach Lu



Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance

w: https://rsomaperformance.com

e: ludwight@lurigueur.com

Booking Page: shor.by/RSPbookPage

