Tone Up

Oct 16, 2023 1:45 am

Happy Sunday, !


Everyone seems to want to “tone up.”

It’s such an overused term that it’s almost completely lost its meaning.

So it turns out that what most people mean by “toning up” is having more muscle on their body and less fat.

How do you do that?


Strength training.

Those of us in the fitness world who've been coaching people for a significant period of time on how to get leaner (i.e. "toner") have always understood that the best way to do this is lifting weights ... NOT endless hours of boring cardio.

Now, there is more scientific evidence to back up that this is the case.

You see, strength training melts fat. I’ve seen it happen again and again, yet so many people gravitate toward cardio-based gyms and programs and waste a lot of time doing nothing important.

You're invited to join our “Loaded Mobility” Online LIVE Training this coming Saturday 10/21 at 09:45 AM EST for posture, hip mobility improvement, and more... Click Here to Sign Up


Now, science tells us that adding more lean body tissue through strength training causes a chemical and hormonal cascade that signals the body to burn more fat.

Hmmm. Seems like endlessly hopping from one cardio machine to the next – or doing a bunch of random stuff until you’re exhausted – isn’t really the way to go.

Not sure about you, but I’ll side with science over “theory” while enjoying all the benefits of strength training.

Join Jessica Scofield Chichester and me, Ludwight Rigueur, for a weekend’s Retreat on 11/4 - 11/5

Click Here to learn more.


Make it an amazing evening,

Coach Lu 


Ludwight Rigueur, SMTh, SMTr, LMT, Qigong Instructor

Rigueur Soma Performance



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