Now do you know

Now ,do you know , why you have been so aloof all these days .Don't worry, help is just a click away.Connect >>>

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May 16, 2022
Coach Story Episode 1

In this series ,I bring to you stories from my real life experiences .Click >>> to watch As the wise says , smart people " Learn from others mistakes"#selfdevelopment #coaching #mentalhealth #selfawareness #le...

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May 15, 2022
How to develop a positive mindset ?

If you suffer from a negative mindset , finding it difficult to be & think positiveThis workbook is designed for you, just for 4$ / 299 ₹What are you waiting for ? Purchase it here >>>

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May 14, 2022
Is this you ?

No matter the struggle, remember you are not alone. Reach out and find what’s important for you – be it a little support, personalized coaching plan, or anything in between (because we have it all).Hit Reply and let me know .#mentalhealth #coaching...

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May 10, 2022
You are not alone

No matter the struggle, you are not alone. Reach out and find what’s important for you – be it a little support, personalized coaching plans, or anything in between (because we have it all).#coaching #mentalhealth #selfdevelopment #decisionmaking #li...

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Mar 07, 2022