A mini guide : Navigating difficult times

Jun 27, 2023 8:48 am

Do you know one of the most difficult things, when we find ourselves in a problem is to talk it out with others? 

But why it is difficult?

It's a lonely world

I will be judged

It's private, I cannot share everything with everyone 

I don't think people will understand me.

I do not want people to talk behind my back.

Flow of Information

Information sharing is one of the key aspects we may find ourselves struggling with when it comes to a personal issue or a problem, and our confusion about what to hold back and what to divulge.

Keeping those difficult times in mind, here's a mini guide, I've designed, you can keep it handy or share it with anyone who you think can benefit from it 

Download it from this page 

Click here

Have a rest of a wonderful week ahead,

With the deepest gratitude

Mehnaz Amjad, Coach

PS: If you are interested in exploring a course on "How to respond to unexpected challenges of life " Click here 
