A tool to take you to the next step

Nov 28, 2023 11:02 am

One day Mathew returned from work in an agitated mood, and then a week later, he was content but not fully satisfied with his submission, which kept him preoccupied all through the weekend.

These mood swings bothered Mathew, more than the work, every time he caught himself struggling with his self, not being able to put the finger on what was wrong and where.

Days turned to weeks and then months, with no change in Mathew's struggle to understand why he felt so disengaged at work.


And just like good times do not last, bad times also do not last, and Mathew learned a tool, I taught him in our three long months coaching journey.

The Tool

This tool did not offer any solution to the help Mathew was in need of, however, it helped him arrive at something very important that every journey needs

It was a map,through which he could start his journey, assess the gaps, and move forwards with new insights

And that exactly was the point, together as a Coach and Coachee, we found our way forward

To learn the tool along with me and Mathew, join us here

You can also share it with anyone, who you think can benefit from it.

Thank you for your time and attention.

with deepest gratitude

Mehnaz Amjad
