Learn to cope with you difficult time , but with a Condition

Jul 30, 2024 9:35 am


I have come to you with a write-up and a video.

This will be beneficial to you if you find yourself, despite your best efforts, back in the same problem loop.

Before you access it, I want to let you know that you must spend some time with the blog and the video to fully discern and practice it.

Do not do it in haste, as some concepts are a bit complex; however, as you learn and implement, Iam sure you have moved one step ahead in strengthening your resiliency muscle.

Read it here

Intention: My intention is to simplify the complex workings of our Brains and Minds so that it is easier for you to adapt, cope, and become more resilient.

More Power to you.

& If you think, it is time now , for you to build your Resilience

You can connect here

Thanks for your time and attention.

Warm Regards,

Mehnaz Amjad ,Coach & Mentor

