A page from my angry self

Jun 17, 2022 10:16 am

There was a time in my life, where lot of things made me angry , and I would never refrain from expressing my anger on trivial matters or on petty issues.

I was so unaware of my external self , that I would consider my expression in anger and frustration as being transparent and honest.

The first time I was coached on it.

My immediate justification was "What's on my mind is on my tongue , so what's wrong in it"?.

Constantly justifying my wrong.

Several years later ,having reaped the consequences of not being able to really understand why I was so angry , Who I was so angry on , I was in a deep mess both personally and professionally ,not only due to anger but , also due to the weight of many issues that lay unprocessed underneath my anger .

Help and assistance came to me via my Coach.

Today, as I share this with you, I'm smiling all throughout ,as I write, having worked on myself, today I not only understood the why's but has been able to manage this complex emotion ,in the most effective way.

The energy of anger is now energy through which I've been able to accomplish so much in my entrepreneur journey as a Coach and as a Cognitive Behavior specialist .

This is precisely why I have introduced this very powerful Anger Reflection Journal to the digital store , because I want to assist as many as I could , who perhaps just like me are in need to manage this often misunderstood emotion called Anger ,in the same way ,as I was helped by my coach .

If I can , so can you.

More power to your Kind self

Happy Journaling!

Click to Purchase it here

