Your idea of relaxation

Dec 19, 2023 10:08 am

This is the time of the year, as a global citizen, you will find while some of us are on vacation, most of us trying to wind down and close the year 2023 in our own, respective ways.

Relaxing before work is the most effective approach to finding desired outcomes.

So, take time to relax in the way you find it most convenient.

Not for the sake of being part of a trendy crowd or posting pictures on social media about our happening life, but to give our body and mind the much-needed relaxation it needs, before we begin another calendar year with its own set of uncertainties and challenges unknown.

The natural gift to relax-Sleep

Deep sleep is one such gift we are gifted with when our circadian rhythms are in sync with our schedule and we take time to sleep and not deprive ourselves of this natural gift.

Sound sleep is both an indication of good health and a sound mind and a key requirement for our overall well-being.

[Circadian rhythm is the 24-hour internal clock in our brain that regulates cycles of alertness and sleepiness by responding to light changes in our environment]

Other ways to relax

Then there are many other ways to relax our body and mind so that we are prepared to take on the world as life unfolds.

Here's sharing a piece from my life on relaxation practices I follow.

Snuggled under my cozy bed corner, binging on hot mirchi bhaji bought in from a local vendor, followed by Jim Jam biscuits, and this after consuming Biryani sent over by my cousin for dinner.


reading Ruskin Bond nature stories in bed, transferred to another world with my wordsmith.

Besides this, I also like spending time in silent afternoons, here's a blog post on it, that I wrote 3 years ago.

Sharing it with an intention, if this can give you some ideas, inspiration, or simply permission for you to equally find relaxation in the mundane and ordinary things of life.


Take a deep breath, and think about what makes you feel completely relaxed.

Whatever that may be, give yourself the permission to relax, indulge in some self-care, and boost your health and well-being.

Because you matter!

Thank you for your time and attention.

Best regards,

Mehnaz Amjad

PS: I have launched a one-on-one, 3-month coaching program, in partnership with positive psychology experts, helping you manage stress, and emotional distress and thrive in the face of any challenges.

It is priced at a very reasonable rate for the next week of enrollment, and the price may go up after that . For details click here.
