Welcome to the Blog Space

Jul 04, 2023 9:29 am

Here's a page from my life, a lesson I learned, only after having been through a series of failures.

I've made a blog post of it, this is with the intent to share with the world, that managing the flow of information is how crucial in times of crisis.

The blog post is titled "Confusion, what to say and what to withhold"

It is the first post on the website.

The link I'm sharing today is to the website and not this specific blog post

Click > Blog Website


Because I want you, who like to read, to take access to the lot available here and not stay confined to a mere single blog post.


I want to close this email by asking you a question to ponder.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

If you like to share your answer with me, or the mere experience of reflecting on this question, please do write back to me, I will be honored to share your dream and experiences.

Have a wonderful week ahead.

With the deepest gratitude,

Mehnaz Amjad

PS: Have you seen the content space, if no, check this out

click here
