Why you should meet yourself with Kindness

Nov 14, 2023 8:38 am

The trauma expert Gabor Mate says;

"When someone try to attack us either by words or in real, literally or figuratively ,our brain is designed in a way that it automatically goes into a self defense mode ,with only one intention,which is to keep us safe"

Along similar lines when we attack ourselves, he meant "self-criticism" When we meet ourselves, judging and being too harsh and tough on ourselves, our mind to defend itself and keep us safe, will automatically try to find ways of safety rather than a right direction.

This is the power, self-talk holds in our mind

and this is precisely why you may find yourself indulging in habits that would help you cope incorrectly!

The brain does not recognize that self-criticism is coming from "You" to "You", all it aims at is your safety, and keeping you safe, and will lead you to indulge in;

Alcohol, eating disorders, eating a lot of sugar, excessive buying of things online, retail therapy for things you don't need, substance abuse, social media addiction, video games, binge-watching dramas or movies, social isolation, and a lot more, just to numb yourself or distract

Read the rest of the blog post here, in which I share my own story with you, and how I learned self-compassion.

Before you leave, remember "You Matter, and what you say to yourself matters!

Thank you for your time and attention.

Mehnaz Amjad.
