A story, A question , and your response is awaited

May 03, 2023 10:25 am

She said; No, it's still there

Me; Is it?

She said; yeah

Me; is it still...

She said; yeah it is dropping now...

It was 22nd August 2015, exactly at 6:18 pm at sunset, while the call of the prayer could be heard in the background, my aunt opened her eyes, and smiled, as I held her hand, while her daughter-in-law, a doctor herself, struggled to catch her fainting pulse, she later on closed her eyes and let her rest in peace forever!

As an adult, this was my first, and a very close experience with death.

Nothing happened to me then, nor even months later, but over a period of time, after this experience, my perception of life and things shifted profoundly, I did not even realize how wise and strong I became with these surreal experiences.


Of all emotions, Grief is Universal and Unique

Universal; Because we all have been through it at some point in time of our life

Unique: Because it is as individual as our life is, and each one of us experiences and processes it in our own ways.

The connection

There's a deep connection that runs between grief, stress, and trauma, the experiences through which we encounter each of them may vary, but the impact and outcomes are mostly the same both on our body, mind & soul.

Here's an interesting article on the connection between moonlight and suicide

Click Here!

I think, just like these emotions, we are all connected in mysterious ways, more than we can imagine.

And you will be surprised to learn, that we do not experience grief only when we lose a loved one, we may also experience grief when we face rejection in our life, either at the workplace or within our personal life, and grief sometimes is accompanied by emotions of anger, guilt, and despair.

Experiencing Grief

Grief is also experienced in the tiny little frustrations of life, often overlooked, especially when we expect from those we love but are met with disappointment when we go through adult loneliness due to a lack of meaningful relations or struggle to find meaning in our work.

Sometimes it is called stress, then when it is prolonged it becomes worry, which sometimes is turned into a rumination, and then eventually a complicated emotion of boredom leading to unexplained sadness, often diagnosed as depression or chronic grief.

Having been through my share of Grief and Loss, I've studied it extensively to serve and assist, but this was for a short period of time when I took up coaching clients and worked extensively on grief coaching.

If you want to learn more, here's the link to a case study from my Grief Coaching

Click Here!

My ask of you, are you interested?

This email is coming to you, based on my recent work and extensive research when I find more and more people feeling sad, uncertain, and stressed out, including some really struggling with a combination of emotions ranging from stress to grief and loss.

I thought the best thing is to ask you all, part of my coaching world, to let me know if you will be interested in being part of a paid "Grief Support Group", which will empower you to heal and also learn the best coping mechanisms to accept and move on in life.


Besides this another paid "Support Group for working professionals", reeling under personal crises is in the making, this group is designed for working professionals and will teach them the best strategies to cope with the mental, emotional, and practical aspects of a personal crisis

Pay per session offer is open till 17th May 2023

Before I close, I in my previous email have mentioned the new offer of pay per session which is less than 10k INR, but it is for a limited period till 17th May 2023, I hope you have checked the details and if interested in enrolling in it, let me know using this form

I read all my emails, so I look forward to hearing back from you about this support group and the new pay-per-session offer.

Wishing you a happy and fruitful rest of the week.


Mehnaz Amjad, Life Coach & Cognitive Behavior Therapist
