a course on difficult times

Jun 22, 2023 8:52 am

The past week has been very hectic, especially when I sit with my finances and budgets and marketing team to evaluate progress and plan projections.

During this exercise, I found one of my purchasing decisions has not only cost me a bomb but turned out to be an impulsive decision.

I am not happy with my decision, and equally disappointed with my impulsive purchasing habits.

So, what do I do next?

Before I run into ruminating, self-criticism, wallowing, self-pity, and then getting into a stress mode which is neither good for my mind and body 

I recollected something I created, which can help me in this stressful hour, so I went ahead and used it, and by the time I was into the usage of the last 2 tools,I was in a much-relaxed state.


Here's what helped me, I'm sure you will find it equally beneficial and useful

Anytime you need a quick support guide to assist you to find clarity, you can use the tools shared via this mini-course, it is also a good idea to gift it to anyone you care enough for! 

Click course  How to Respond to unexpected challenges of life 

Best regards,

Mehnaz Amjad 
