First step

Aug 24, 2023 8:58 am

Life Coaching is one such profession, which demands an experience of completely trusting the person offering it and relating to it before we move ahead and share our heart, or trust the person with whom we share our story to seek support.

And this takes time

As a first step towards it, I invite you all to read and know me a bit more than you usually do

So here's my personal crisis story, so that you learn that you are not alone in these challenging times of uncertainty

Click to read

or check this part, through which you can gather more details about me

I would also like to share a bit about the "Journey of Self "

so that it assists you or anyone else who may be in search of help or support

Click here to learn about the Journey of Self Coaching program

Click here to watch my failure story

Click here to learn about the coaching fee

I want to let you all know through this email, that I absolutely believe in being transparent but confidential about your details, upholding your trust, and equally trusting you, and find no apprehension in sharing my vulnerable side.


When crisis strikes, we go through the same set of emotions, hardships, and challenges as human beings, be it an expert like me in therapy or coaching, or a naive individual struggling with it, Any kind of sudden crisis brings in a common experience of stress and uncertainty.

the only difference is that those who seek support find support and those who don't may be pushing themselves to the verge of a lot of mental health issues that are on the rise, which like crisis do not hit overnight, but are an outcome of years of repressed emotions and neglected self.

So pause for a second

Reflect, Is there anything that's been bothering you for a while, but you have been ignoring it because you are not sure whether or not you are ready for it or you feel it won't help?

It's time to claim your power back and

choose wisely, and do not hesitate to reach out to me,if you feel the need to talk

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Best regards,

Mehnaz Amjad
