What is Trauma ?

Oct 24, 2023 8:12 am

If I ask you to close your eyes and imagine, the word "Trauma" what comes up?

I am sure it's mostly dark, and dense and something you feel is tragic, related to a kind of catastrophe, or crisis, and you may immediately open your eyes so that you just get yourself out of this horrible imagination.

This term is so misunderstood, that even after several years of research and work, not many are aware of what it actually means

Let me share with you, this quote from Dr. Judith Herman


We all have been through our share of traumatic experiences and Trauma, and have been ignoring the silent screams for ages, which then manifest in our life in every sphere both personally and at the workspace.

  • The belief,' I am not good enough "
  • Being a people pleaser, or a "Yes" person
  • Trying to distract oneself in many ways, so that it becomes easy to push away complex emotions
  • Saying to yourself - "I'm not ready for this yet"
  • Feeling frustrated about trivial things
  • Asking ourselves, "Why does it happen to me only"
  • Second-guessing yourself - when good things happen

and a lot more.


Let's take the first step through awareness and acknowledgment of it.

and it begins here

And, if there's something you've been thinking for a while to solve, heal, or simply find a way out, you can connect here

Thanks for your time and attention

Mehnaz Amjad,
