Let's know a bit about our emotions

Jul 06, 2023 8:49 am

Last week, this day was the festival of Bakrid.

Usually, festivals are times, that call for celebrations, and gatherings, while this is true, what we often experience and I'm sure this happens with most of us in our families are the family dramas that unfold during such gatherings.

Our house and family are no such exception and this time, I was trapped in one such family drama.

Despite my best meditation practices, patience, perseverance, and ability to deal with things in a mature way, all my practice melted away as soon as I found myself in it.

My energy levels shifted, I was frustrated and annoyed to the core, with the only difference that I appeared calm like deep waters, but deep inside my head was on a constant negative chatter with myself, filling in copious amount of my thoughts in my journal, and wondering if I can just shift my office in a forest and live there all my life, away from everyone.

What happened next,

The very next day I woke up to a beautiful day, my niece and nephew and their innocent questions on climate change and some very interesting questions on Elon Musk made me roll out laughing!

My energy levels shifted and I was back in my office, working on something very important that I had left halfway incomplete.

What was at play?

The brief incident I've shared with you is an example of emotions and the impermanence they hold.


Next time when you find yourself on an emotional roller coaster ride

remember this-

Make room for your emotions, allow them to flow, evolve, and dissolve.

except change nothing is permanent, not even our emotions which are an integral part of our mind, enriching us with experiences through feelings and thoughts.


if you still feel frustrated, check out this guided meditation which can help you forgive those who frustrate you.

Take care,

Mehnaz Amjad

PS: there are more than 100 episodes on my podcast filled with tips, techniques, and guided meditations if you want to explore it, click here
