Denial and Shock.

Jun 16, 2021 9:06 am

  • David ,was told ,he no longer has the job!
  • Judy, got a call that she lost lost her husband to a ghastly accident

When crisis hit us ,more often we slip into denial mode ,which is not about rejecting what has happened , instead trying to make sense of what happened.

Denial is a natural system built in ,a kind of psychological protection, otherwise letting in all the feelings associated with loss at once can be fatal for anyone.

But even after been through a denial phase , when a person find oneself stuck in grief ,which has now started to impact other areas of life like relationship, health or career.

It is recommended to seek help and #getcoached

How ? for more details connect Mehnaz Amjad


#griefawareness #griefandloss #griefsupport #coaching #selfawareness
