4 more months to go

Aug 29, 2023 7:42 am

We have now almost reached the last few months of the calendar year, and very soon may roll into the thick of winter, and start to prepare for another year.


Let's take this time and try to reflect, you never know which question can open an idea, insight, or thought, that may change your life forever!

Here are a few questions for this week

What is the biggest failure you ever faced, and what did you learn from it?

Which qualities do you like in others and may want to develop in yourself ?

Given a choice, what will be that one thing you would do, before this year ends?

Go on, it's time to pause and ponder, and if you would like to share your response with me, you can hit reply and share it

Thank you for your time and attention


Mehnaz Amjad

PS: check what's the latest on the website
