Let's do nothing today

Jun 11, 2024 9:15 am

It's been six months into the year 2024.

In India, we just underwent a massive election process, and then we have two vulnerable parts of the world enveloped in war: Ukraine and Gaza.

Besides being mere spectators to wars, we Indians are fighting our respective battles, which range from severe heat waves to high inflation, unemployment and a deep sense of resignation to the deep disparity in the economy,

and to add to that we have the climate crisis which to me is the only democratic power that does not differentiate any location on planet earth as it unleashes its series of catastrophes from mountains to the oceans, nothing seems to be spared.

Amidst the chaos,

We wake up, or rather stay awake, in search of our misplaced priorities, the purpose of why we are here, and the infinite questions our brains are churning out every minute as we scroll through our phones.

So, today, let's do something different.

Let's take a break...

And Indulge in non-doing.

For the next 5 minutes (set a timer) & --- do nothing!

My experience & practice of (Non-doing)

My first time practising opened me to the deep, restless "me" inside me, which was looking for something else. I ignored it, thinking it would automatically stop bothering me again.

While the automatic process never happened, it did open me to a part of me that later helped me tremendously grow both as a person and as a professional resilience coach.

Go ahead with your practice of - "non-doing", and see what comes up.

And if you would like to share or learn to delve deeper into your "inner self."

Hit reply, and let's take it from there.

Thank you for your practice, time and attention.

With deepest gratitude

Mehnaz Amjad
